Improving My Foot Comfort
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Improving My Foot Comfort

I was a kid when I first noticed my foot problems. It felt like I was always struggling with my walking, and I could tell that my feet were a little unstable. However, a friend of mine recommended a great podiatrist when I was young, and it made a huge difference. The podiatrist inspected my feet, fitted me with custom orthotics, and really made things feel a lot better. This blog is all about improving your foot comfort, so that you can exercise, play with your kids, and enjoy your life in a new way. Check out this blog for more information.


Improving Your Foot Comfort

Postoperative Surgery Pain: Podiatry Clinical Trials Can Help

Holly Mitchell

If you suffer from tremendous postoperative surgery pain in your toe, heel, foot, or ankle, contact a foot doctor about podiatry clinical trials. Clinical trials allow podiatrists to find reliable treatments for patients. A doctor can use the results of your podiatry trial to help you and other people who suffer from pain. Learn about the benefits of podiatry clinical trials below.

Discover Better Ways to Treat Postoperative Pain

If you suffer from post-surgery pain, you're not alone. Many people develop postoperative pain and other symptoms in their lifetime. In order to reduce the pain, a number of people take opioid medications before and after surgery. However, opioids can create unwanted side effects in some people, including sleepiness, headaches, and abdominal cramps.

Podiatry clinical trials look for better ways to minimize or stop postoperative pain without the use of opioid-based drugs. The trials may also allow foot doctors to develop medications that cater to different types of patients. 

Depending on their age and other factors, people can experience different levels of postoperative pain. For example, people who suffer from intense postoperative pain immediately after surgery may not need the same type of medications as individuals who suffer from long-term postoperative pain. The trials help doctors develop and test medications in all dosages and strengths.

In addition to improving postoperative pain better, trials can help doctors create new foot and ankle appliances.

Develop New Foot and Ankle Appliances

Medication isn't the only viable treatment for postoperative podiatry pain. Treatments, such as foot and ankle braces, can help reduce pain as well. However, the current foot and ankle braces may not work well for every patient who needs them. Podiatrists can use clinical trials to create more advanced post-surgery foot appliances.

The new appliances may come with features that help you and other people:

  • strengthen the muscles in the feet and ankles
  • receive support in the feet and ankles
  • improve balance in the feet and ankles

During these types of trials, doctors may need to take measurements and other data of their clinical trial patients. The appliances will need to fit people of different weights, heights, and sizes. The measurements may also allow podiatrists to develop adjustable appliances.

If you're interested in participating in a podiatry clinical trial to help yourself and others improve after surgery, contact a podiatrist's office today. You'll need to provide details about your pain, surgical procedure, and other health information. A podiatrist may require additional information from you during the call. 

If your postoperative pain is unbearable, contact a podiatrist to see if you qualify for a clinical trial today.
