Improving My Foot Comfort
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Improving My Foot Comfort

I was a kid when I first noticed my foot problems. It felt like I was always struggling with my walking, and I could tell that my feet were a little unstable. However, a friend of mine recommended a great podiatrist when I was young, and it made a huge difference. The podiatrist inspected my feet, fitted me with custom orthotics, and really made things feel a lot better. This blog is all about improving your foot comfort, so that you can exercise, play with your kids, and enjoy your life in a new way. Check out this blog for more information.


Improving Your Foot Comfort

3 Helpful Tips When Dealing With Plantar Fasciitis

Holly Mitchell

If you're one of the unfortunate ones that has plantar fasciitis, the simple act of walking can be hard. In some cases, this condition can be downright debilitating. If you're tired of living this way and want to make a change, consider these useful tips. 

Prevent It

You can save yourself a lot of stress and pain by preventing plantar fasciitis in the first place. This starts with understanding why this condition develops in the first place. Perhaps the most common reason is wearing the wrong type of shoe. Footwear without the proper support and lacking a flexible design can cause your heels to strike. This action repeatedly can soon cause plantar fasciitis.

Spending long hours on your feet also leaves you susceptible to this condition. That's why you should always choose the right footwear and take breaks periodically throughout the day. These proactive steps can prevent inflammation and reduce soreness in your feet, before it's too late. 

Utilize Massage Therapy

If the pain from plantar fasciitis is becoming unbearable on a daily basis, it's time to take advantage of massages. They work deep within the tissues of your feet, helping promote blood flow and reducing inflammation. You don't have to get a professional massage to see results, either.

You can simply use a tennis ball. Set it on the ground, and roll your feet back and forth over the surface. The ball's natural curves will align with your feet's arch -- providing a soothing sensation you've desperately been looking for. Rolling your feet over a water bottle, that's been frozen, can also help control inflammation and chronic pain. 

See a Podiatrist 

When you struggle to find a natural or effective remedy to this condition, you should go see a podiatrist. This foot specialist knows exactly what symptoms to look for, and can develop a healing plan that works for your particular pain levels and severity of plantar fasciitis.

First, they'll recommend non-surgical treatments that include wearing cushioned shoes, using supportive ankle braces at night, and rubbing anti-inflammatory creams on your feet. If they don't work, your podiatrist may recommend surgery -- where they cut the plantar fascia and stretch it to alleviate tendon pressure. 

Plantar fasciitis is a condition that can develop without warning, and for many, it affects their ability to even walk normally. You can put a stop to this cycle by dealing with your condition in a proactive manner, and seeking help from podiatrists when nothing seems to be working. For more information, contact companies like Advanced Foot Clinic.
